4. Juni 2018

Joining the Low Spend Month Challenge from FrugalFamilyFood

This year my fiancée and I have set a few financial goals for ourselves and we were actually doing pretty well with those until...
we had to make an unexpected payment to our landlords last month. (-__-)
Because of that payment we couldn't save as much as we wanted to for our emergency fund and nothing at all for travel or Christmas. So this month we are on a tight(er) budget to get back on track with our savings.

Luckily, I stumbled upon the "Low Spend Month" challenge from the Frugal Family Food website. The perfect challenge to keep me motivated while trying to stay on a grocery budget that is a lot smaller than our usual one.

The challenge started June 1st, but I found it just yesterday, so I am a little behind. I joined in anyway because I love a fun challenge. And if I can lower our spendings for the month a bit - awesome!

The goal of the challenge is to spend 35% less than you normally do on groceries and I am exited to see how much we can save.

But first things first, I copied their tasks for each day of the month into my budget notebook:

You can find their calender for the month to download or print on their resources page. I just prefer writing things down. #penandpapergirl

The first task was to take inventory of your pantry and freezer to see what you already have and what needs to be used up. You can see my list below. I know it's not pretty, but I also think it doesn't have to be ;)

Inventory List

We have a really, really small freezer so that's why you don't see a lot in that section. I also wrote down some things from the fridge like condiments or yeast, but not the stuff that gets eaten everyday.

For the things in the pantry, I put a small star next to the things I definitely want to use up throughout the month.

That is all I have done so far, but I am committed to catching up within the next few days.

I will be writing about our progress every other day or at least once a week.

Please leave me a comment if you are also joining the challenge. I would love to hear about your experiences and ideas!

Have a wonderful Monday,

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